Friday, 8 December 2017

Implementing CRM After Three Months

This past month we have continued having weekly collaboration meetings during our CRM time. This time has been used by each group to work collaboratively on something to improve learning at Southview Community School. I support the work in each group, but no longer sit in  for the entire duration. Teachers write up a short reflection after each collaborative time using a google doc and I make sure to read the reflection and respond with any questions or ideas. We also have a group of district Instructional Coaches who are helping guide and support the work being done by teachers. Each of our CRM groups is focusing on literacy. Since we have now administered a math and reading universal screen for each student in grades two to six we are going to schedule the rest of our Collaborative Team Meetings (CTM). Both of the universal screens are new to us so we have spent CRM time digging through through the data with support from an instructional coach. We had a professional development day this week and part of the day was spent preparing for our next CTM. We had teachers create their visual display board. I went to Staples and purchased tri-fold display boards, index cards and velco strips. Teachers broke into their groups, looked at their data (STAR, F&P, teacher assessments) and then put their students into four categories: Urgent Intervention, Intervention, On / Watch and At /Above Grade Level. They colour coded them red, yellow, blue and green respectively. We will use these displays moving forward at each CTM meeting. We also set the CTM dates for the remainder of the year. Because the Vice Principal helps to  provide release time for teachers to meet we are going to pay for a substitute teacher for these meeting so that he can participate and offer his support and perspective. Before teachers left our professional development I asked them to complete a survey to get feedback on how they view CRM.

I find CRM time valuable...explain.

How can I better support you on our CRM journey?

Any miscellaneous comments to share

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