Three weeks ago I began my journey
as Acting Principal of this great school. I learned a couple of things very
quickly. One thing I learned is that every staff member at this school cares a great deal about
the students here. There is no indifference in this building. Every teacher,
educational assistant, custodian, secretary and administrator is here because
it's where they want to be. I’m not sure if I have ever experienced such a
“group calling” before.
Another thing I learned is that to complement the school staff there is
an amazing collection of individuals, groups and parents (to which I refer as 'partners')
hungry to help out. Every time I sit down with someone, I add them to a
diagram on a big whiteboard I have in my office. So far I have seventeen partners
who are dedicated to support Southview Community. As with the school staff,
these people radiate a desire and a commitment to help the community. They are a
vital part of pursuing the vision we have for this community. It cannot be
accomplished without them.
This is not an eight to four o'clock job. It doesn't stop when the bell rings or students are no longer in the building. This is a way of life and one in which I am so incredibly proud to be a part of. I am grateful to have been welcomed so meaningfully into this community and look forward to continuing on in my role here as principal.